Domestic Violence – Teen Dating

Dating Abuse is a pattern of behaviors one person uses to gain and maintain power and control over their partner. Many people assume abuse means that physical violence is happening, but that’s not always the case! Abuse comes in many forms—it’s not just physical. Click through the presentation below to learn a few of the common types of abuse so you can better identify them. Experiencing even one or two of these warning signs in a relationship is a red flag that abuse may be present. Remember, each type of abuse is serious and no one deserves to experience abuse of any kind.

Plus, learn about Restraining or Protective Orders. A legal order can be a powerful tool, but it can’t guarantee your safety or change your abusive partner. Learn some other things a restraining order CAN do and also what it CANNOT do.


Power and Control Wheel

The Power and Control Wheel (as seen in the presentation above) is a tool that helps explain the different ways an abusive partner can use power and control to manipulate a relationship. Click Here to download a printable copy.